Lunch is included with tuition at Southampton Summer Day Camp. The food service at camp is uniquely different than it was ten years ago. We have seen an increase in food allergies and other dietary needs over this time. SSDC is NOT a peanut free or any other allergy free camp, but we are very sensitive to the needs of our campers. We pledge to do our utmost best in keeping everyone safe and educated.
Each day with offer a camp classic such as: pizza, chicken tenders, chicken nuggets, hot dogs, hamburgers and pasta. Some new camp favorites include: Veggie and beef tacos, grilled cheese and tomato soup, BBQ chicken, and Chinese Style meal with a poke bar. In addition to the main meal peanut butter & jelly combinations, chicken or egg salad sandwiches, bagels, a sensational Salad Bar, and fresh fruit are available daily. Vegetarian and gluten free options are available for many meals at camp. Beginning in 2021, we began utilizing individual and portion control items during lunch. Dessert options after lunch include the following: ice cream, icy pops, cookies or cupcakes.
A morning or afternoon snack is provided for everyone. This is a time to relax and re-energize with the bunk. Everyday SSDC offers a fresh fruit choice (apple, banana, peach, plum) and hard pretzel snack daily, along with a sweet, salty or crunchy snack (cookie, popcorn, goldfish, multigrain chip). This snack is served with water or a juice choice.
Many campers love “Hampy’s Kitchen”, a make and taste experience at SSDC. All treats are peanut/nut free, but for those with allergies a participation sheet goes home before the season. Camp also sends home an ingredient list for any parent who requests it prior to participation in “Hampy’s Kitchen.”
As you can see, SSDC is not 100% allergen free, but we continue to provide alternatives for those campers with dietary needs. The role of camper and parent is to provide us with as much information as you can about your child’s dietary needs. At Southampton our Senior Counselor and their staff are here to help you child navigate the daily lunch and snacks at camp. Any questions or concerns about food service at camp should be directed to them or our Food Services Director.


Thinking about camp for next summer?